Last Updated on 13/01/2023

“Together for Luxembourg”,

the list of USF Luxembourg for the Local Staff Comittee elections

from 23/11 to 6/12/2022

New elections ahead meaning a new majority in the LSC ?

Union Syndicale Fédérale Luxembourg once again presents at the forthcoming LSC elections a complete list. It is as broad as possible in order to meet the challenges ahead and, in particular, to fight for the attractiveness of the Luxembourg site.

USF Luxembourg promotes in particular:

  • Real Careers prospects as well as remuneration enhancementes and keeping the actual pension scheme,
  • A reasoned implementation of the “Working time and teleworking” decision,
  • Fighting medical overcharging,
  • Health at work both in the office (including hot and open desking) and at thome,
  • An ambitious broad social policy covering everything not strictly linked to work.

Our “Together for Luxembourg” list also has the following ambitions :

  • Continue to give back the LSC to Staff, as was practised during the 2019 – 2022 term under USFL lead ;
  • To work in synergy with other Unions ;
  • To make the voice of Luxembourg Staff heard wherever needed ; through the trade union channels, of course, but also through the stastutory channels.

These priorities stem from the ongoing efforts and commitments of USF Luxembourg to defend the Luxembourg site with all its specific aspects and challenges, but also in the wider interest of all Institutions at all work sites where they operate.

« Together for Luxembourg » aims to help staff cope with their issues and this without changing the Staff Regulations.

« Together for Luxembourg » calls the introduction of an accomodation allowance regardless of the current budget limitation. USF Luxembourg considers that the 12 proposals submited by the Heads of Administration (CALUX) remain too vague.

By acting actively and in synergy within the USF federal framework, (present in almost all Community institutions and bodies and at all places of work) our trade union sends a clear and decisive political signal to those who call into question fundamentals of the European Civil Service.

Indeed, defending the excellence and independance of the European Civil Service, is essential for the pursuit of European Integration.

« Together for Luxembourg » means making it possible to better organise ourselves today and meet the challenges of tomorrow.

It is perhaps for this reason that by chance our list obtained the number 1

Our priorities

  • Introduction of a housing allowance : there is no need to reopen the Staff Regulations (the corrective coefficient is an unrealistic solution already rejected by the Institution),
  • Strengthening services in Luxembourg including the Georgeva / Asselborn agreement through its 3 pillars: legal/financial and digital complemented by the 12 actions defined by CALUX,
  • Better carreer opportunities / prospect in Luxembourg (mobility and job offers, including to other Institutions, change of categories, certification, screening, reclassification, promotion, etc.),
  • Stability of services (CHAFEA and other executive agencies): automatic creation of working groups/”chambre d’écoute” to accompany all reorganisations.
  • Prolongation of the automatic method of adjusting salaries and pensions,
  • Safeguarding the actuarial balance of the minimum subsistence figure and retirement age rule,
  • Transfer of pension rights and better legal action,
  • Effective reactivation of social committees: financial aid granteed by the “Joint Social Committees” (CAS, CASS, CCOPS, RFSCE),
  • Renegotiation of the method of adjustment to the Luxembourg minimum wage – currently differentiated according to the Institutions and bodies baded in Luxembourg.
  • Implementation of all promises (concrete or realistic) of the HR strategy,
  • Transparency and modernisation of recruitments (induction and support for newcomers and their families),
  • Career monitoring (change of contractual or institutional status)
  • Continue and develop certification as a tool for social and professional promotion,
  • Transparency and efficiency in appraisal (simplification of reports) and promotion/reclassification; Standardization of systems throughout all the European Institutions,
  • Contract staff: more frequent reclassification and screening. Wider possibilities to participate in internal competitions for all functions groups,
  • Developping recruitment channels at the Commission in associations with open competitions :
    • More internal competitions,
    • Flexibility in the recruitment of contract and temporary staff,
    • JPP (Young Professional Program) and SPP (Senior Professional Program)
  • Offer of real career prospects to AST and AST/SC colleagues,
  • Tailored training courses available for all in Luxembourg to support social promotion and career development,
  • Ensure stability and career prospects for educators, drivers, catering staff and other specific jobs; under all types of contracts,
  • Improved support for future pensioners.
  • Maintaining the electoral syustem of the Local Staff Committee,
  • Local Staff Committee given back to staff and only its service,
  • Continue to get Staff interested (and involved) in the activities of the LSC, in particular in participating in selection boards, selection panels (TA, AC), joint committtees, working parties, etc.
  • Continuity of quality services: Day nursery/Child care / European Schools,
  • Maintaining direct management of catering and Foyer,
  • Infrastructure policy in Luxembourg: require the well-being and safety (individual and health) of employees at their workplace,
  • Reconciliation between private and professional life,
  • Greening and its consequences: require well-being, IT security and coverage of employees’ costs when teleworking,
  • Availability of information (website, communication, news, etc.): require the Administration to make the Staff Committee more visible and valued, as weel as the work and means of action of the joint Committees and, in particular, the financial resources of the social committees (CAS, CASS, CCOPS, RFSCE)
  • Provide the same level of legal support as the one that Brussels colleagues benefit,
  • Create a Social Desk (not just a webpage and a manual) that will guide colleagues in their administrative procedures.
  • Fair and harmonized implementation of the Working Time Decision,
  • Monitoring the consequences for educators, drivers, caterring staff and other specific jobs,
  • Maintaining the part-time with a adapted workload,
  • Rational development of telework outside the place of employment,
  • Classification of  standby duty in times of crisis (COVID, others),
  • More transparency and information on the various leave entitlements (agen various special leave, etc.)
  • “Automatic” or more flexible transfer of leave entitlements at the end of the year.
  • Effective and systematic reactivation of social dialogue on all work-related issues,
  • Strengthening direct exchanges with the services on site (DG visits by the Local Staff Committee),
  • Continue exchanges with DG HR, the Commisssioner, the Board of Heads of Administrations (CCA & CALUX), etc.
  • Increase the visibility and transparency of the existing joint committees (local and central),
  • Facilitating the participation and recongnition of colleagues’ work in competition, selection boards and recruitment panels.
  • European Membership Card for All,
  • Ensure that the budget of the sickness fund is balanced,
  • Improving access to information and PMO services,
  • Timely and correct reimbursement of costs incurred (including direct payment of high costs),
  • Better consideration of (new) pathologies and disabilities (cancer, long illnesses, etc.).
  • Developping the “Well-being at the Workplace”,
  • Ensuring reconciliation between private and professional life,
  • Achieve model management of Harassment cases,
  • Better management and support for cases of bur out, bore-out, etc.,
  • Ensure healthy and secure working conditions (shared offices, open spaces, hot desking),
  • Refine / develop / disseminate the crisis strategy based on the experience of the COVID crisis,
  • Develop and promote tools for managing psycho-social risks.

Our permanent working areas

The work programme of Ensemble Luxembourg – Luxembourg Together is structured around four key areas :

Without making empty promises that we would not be able to keep, nor pointless attacks, our watchwords are :

List 1

Candidates holders & Alternates



GULEC Cem (Supp.)


BISIELA Panagiota

Category : SC

GUARNERI Lina (Supp.)


I will soon have 35 years of experience at the Commission, many of which are in human resources. Today, I am willing to make my achievements and knowledge available to the staff. I could give ideas, engage in constructive dialogues in the interest of staff.
Respect for colleagues, equal treatment and social justice are key values to which I attach great importance.
I have to fight for these fundamental and basic values.



Involved for more than 15 years in defending staff, I had the privilege of being an elected member of the local staff committee in Luxembourg several time and designated staff representative in various joint committees.
I want to keep dedicating myself for your working conditions, your career and your well-being.

Like our list, which is working for a Local Staff Committee (LSC) close to you and your needs, I commit myself to support and defend you in a dynamic and engaged way.
I count on your active support and your trust by participating in the 2022 elections and by voting for the whole list 1 ‘Together for Luxembourg’

MECHIN Jérome (Supp.)


Specialized educator at the Center Polyvalent de l’Enfance since 2017, I take care of children aged 6 to 11 years old. Before this retraining, I held administrative, accounting and logistics positions in various companies and state and European institutions.
From my experience, I was able to understand the needs and demands of employees, agents and officials. This is why I decided to join the USF in a desire to improve everyone’s daily life through joint and concerted actions.



Fabrizio Lupo

LUPO Fabrizio (Supp.)





I started working at the Commission in 2002, first as Interim, then as Auxiliary, contractual agent and finally as an Official (post 2004). Therefore, I experienced the problems related to each professional position, namely those of generation 2004.

I still feel very proud to work for the wonderful project which is the European Union. However the cuts in resources and the never-ending attempts to our working conditions make it more and more difficult to remain motivated at work. On the contrary, this leads us to demotivation and to the waste of our competencies in all grades and categories. For example the AST grades and more particularly the secretaries who were moved to a lower grade AST/SC.

I would like to work in a competent and trustful trade Union. I have always helped the colleagues who approached me and I would like to continue doing so. I do believe that we should stay united to be stronger and that we should fight against unfairness at all levels.

Mother of 4 children, I also feel concerned by the balance between family and work life.

In my opinion, trust should be deserved. I am thus ready to show you that I deserve your trust and that together with USF Luxembourg we can stand up for our rights

HALICI Daniel (Supp.)




HEER Didier (Supp.)


Working at the Commission for 22 years, I have been able to acquire experience of the internal functioning of the Institution, but also of the concerns encountered by the staff. Being involved in a trade union, this has allowed me to be a member of several joint committees (catering, CSHT) and since 2013 at the CCPE (nurseries /early childhood care).
My activities gave me possibilities to discuss with the representatives of the administration on problems reported to us by the users of these services. This has given me the opportunity to bring my contribution for setting up permanent solutions, this taking into account the existing possibilities.

I am convinced that staff representation remains a key element for dialogue with our administration in order to defend our achievements, even if nothing is ever guaranteed.

Our team is a balanced composition of women/men of different grades and different DGs and with high qualifications.

This is why I invite you to vote LIST 1 USF-L, but please do a list vote


Category : SC

I have worked for the Commission under different statuses (CA, Extramuros, official) for more than ten years. I started in OP and then moved to Eurostat. In my opinion, we all need the support, solidarity and knowledge of each other in order to improve our working conditions. During my career, I was lucky to get the valuable and concrete support from my colleagues in USF Luxembourg so I want to help other colleagues too. For me the support of a strong federal trade union is essential when addressing issues like working conditions, unequal treatment and the unfair salary situation in Luxembourg.

CHOCHOV Orlin (Supp.)


This is my fifteenth year in DG Translations and I am enjoying every minute of it.
I am also grateful for this unique opportunity to represent my country and to invest all my skills and efforts into building and maintaining the European dream for unity and prosperity.
My friends and colleagues know and respect me for my open attitude and sincere will to provide assistance to everyone in need of it.
That is why they entrusted me with their vote in the previous Staff Committee elections.
The work within Union Syndicale Fédérale and the Staff committee enriched my knowledge and insight regarding the important role of the staff representatives to defend the rights of our esteemed colleagues and collaborators, especially in the difficult periods of lockdown and anti-pandemic measures.
I feel empowered by that trust and I intend to continue my work which I consider also my mission – to contribute, to assist and to defend.

Together for Luxembourg!




Since 1995, I have worked for 8 DG’s at various work places (Brussels, Africa, and Luxembourg) and under various statutes (Interim, Intramuros, Auxiliary Agent, Temporary Agent, Official). I surely experienced several sides and viewpoints of the Institution. Since the start of my journey, I was lucky enough to benefit from the support of Staff Representatives of the USF Federation. They accompanied me in all work places and in all circumstances.

Since almost 20 years I am myself ‘paying back’ by being active in Union and Staff Representation (twice elected member of the Luxembourg Local Staff Committee and Designated Staff Representative in various Joint Committees, mainly career related). I had the privilege in the last three years to preside the Local Staff Committee of Luxembourg. In that function I continued to benefit every single day from the advice and expertise of the many active colleagues across the USF Federation. I can also witness that beyond elections, all Staff representatives whatever their organisations almost always work with an open mind and proactively towards defending the staff. I promoted that approach further and as far as possible as a president of the LSC.

As Staff representative, I try to advice, help and inform colleagues while keeping two values in mind: Solidarity and Union. Solidarity is a social value which I have learned through life. It can only become more efficient through sharing and building meaning Unite further, in a broader way. This couple (Solidarity/Union) is the essential DNA of all USF member organisations. The colleagues of the “Together for Luxembourg – USFL” list are all committed to that approach. Would you also share Solidarity and Union, which are extraneous from political/Union parting, the first thing you need to do then is to vote to give your chosen Staff Representatives the legitimacy to defend you.

BASTIEN Elisabeth (Supp.)


Former secretary who benefited from attestation, I currently manage calls for tenders at the Publications Office.
After more than 20 years inside European Institutions, I would like to take advantage of my experience in order to bring a concrete and appropriate help.
I am convinced that engagement, trust, active listening and respect altogether constitute the basis of a fruitful collaboration.
In that spirit, I joined USF Luxembourg in order to participate to a movement in which I believe and which could make sense to our colleagues, whatever their category, grade or expectations.
Eventually, gathering our competences will allow us to keep making things evolve for our common interest, as they did for the last two years, thanks to the trust you have placed in us.



MORINA Marzio (Supp.)

Category : AD



I have been devoted to defending the staff for many 20 years now.
My conclusion is: only a collective action can allow improvement of any particular situation. There’s no miracle!

It is a daily battle against acts of harassment which remain, much too often, unpunished; of discriminations, in particular as regards promotion; and of the decisions taken top/down which prejudice the staff.

I remain committed and motivated in defending the general interests of the staff.

I remain committed and motivated in returning the Staff Committee to the staff so that it can once again:

  • become a convivial place where everyone can work, propose, and contribute;
  • be listened to at all levels;
  • become an instrument of confidence and respect, and service orientated to the benefit of all.

Overall, in these difficult times, I will endeavour to remind the Institution that the only resource is its staff. The strength of the USF Luxembourg is to register under a federal trade union movement which gives it even more of a voice in order to bring this fight through to a successful end.

Thank you all for your support!

Patricia Alma

ALMA Patricia (Supp.)


MYLONA Polyxeni


32 years of experience at the service of the European institutions and a lawyer by training. I worked for several departments, in several functions in different grades, always forward, in stable and less stable periods, in difficult and less difficult conditions.
What I understood and learned in this long journey is that by combining mutual respect, collegiality and unity, we can achieve a lot.
It is in this spirit and wishing to help while supporting my colleagues, that I decided to apply with the USFL. I am therefore here to defend the interests of my colleagues, to listen to them, advise, assist and put my experience at their service.

DUPRE Didier (Supp.)


POPESCU Constantin-Alin


I believe that every staff member needs to be represented by the staff representatives in the same way, whatever their type of contract, seniority or hierarchical level. This is my belief and I care about the people around me. This is the reason why I am here.
I am working in the Commission since more than 8 years, under two different statutes and two function groups.



I want a Staff Committee that is respectful and works with commitment for the people it representing, putting the challenges and problems of individual people first, regardless of personal gain and glory. I ask for transparency. I would like a CLP that admits the compromises that had to be made and the lost causes. I want the rules to be respected, but also a CLP that does not leave the staff in the dark. With all of our individual experiences and skills used in joint action, we can make it happen.

The last 3 years have proven that we – USF – are quite capable of all this!

POPOV Athanase


CAYOTTE Elodie (Supp.)


Working at Eurostat since 2002, the difficulties of most types of contracts (agency staff, intra-muros service provider, contract staff and post 2004 official) have become familiar to me for having been confronted with them. I have had the chance to count on my colleagues from USF Luxembourg, which has been an effective and very valuable support for both my career development and the management of conflicts with internal administrative services.

In my turn, I would like to actively assist all colleagues by providing them with assistance and follow-up, by engaging with USF Luxembourg, in particular in combating the deterioration of working conditions and inequalities among staff.

Calm and tenacity are my order to build a CLP for the benefit of staff.



MAIER Cristina (Supp.)

Categorie : AST


Category: AD

BELIN Sophie (Supp.)




SOMESAN Monica (Supp.)

Category : SC

I work for European Institutions since 2012. I was for almost six years contractual agent and this year is the fifth one since I became an official.
I am an AST-SC and I consider ca our category needs more attention and support from our hierarchy. Despite the fact that we are a few, we have to make ourselves visible.
Whenever I had questions or I needed a solution, USF Luxembourg helped and offered me the assistance requested. For this reason, I decided to be a part of this trade union. I strongly believe that USFL is very much oriented to the people and it is making all the efforts in order to hear and to represent us.

TAMI Mohamed


PALADINO Clara (Supp.)




Working in the Commission since 1991 first as an interim secretary in Brussels (DG III) , I experienced all kinds of statutes (interim, auxiliary, intramuros, temporary agent ..) to end up since 2011 in DG ECFIN as a policy assistant. Since the start of my career I could always count on the help of the staff representatives when needed, it is now my turn to try to provide advice, help and information to the colleagues, especially the less privileged ones. As a cross border worker, I am particularly paying attention to the specific issues encountered such as mobility, telework, Cedies, cost of living…

On top of my substantial daily job in ECFIN, I focus on my work as a member of the comité consultatif d’octroi des prêts et secours by concentrating efforts to have this committee properly WORKING FOR the colleagues

ROCHA Joao (Supp.)




I started working at the Commission in 2013 as an AC and then an AST official.
At the beginning of my career I had questions, needed advice, guidance. USF was there for me with answers and support.
I noticed a degradation of the service during these years in terms of working conditions, career prospects, unpunished harassment, loss of purchasing power, devaluation of Luxembourg compared to Brussels.
I am going to invest myself against this devaluation of the European public service, I am motivated that the position of Luxembourg is improved.

SCHOEN Irina (Supp.)

Categorie : AST

At several occasions during my more than twenty years career at Eurostat, I benefitted from the excellent support, knowledge and advice from my USF colleagues. Now, I think the time has come to offer my energy and expertise to support my trade union in defending our rights.

I am keen to defend the interests of my colleagues and my door is always open.

I look forward to participate in constructive dialogues :

  • to enhance the attractiveness of the Luxembourg site; and
  • to go for a real social policy for staff & family.

Together for Luxembourg!

WOLFF Isabelle


At the Commission for 27 years in various DGs and sites (Brussels and Luxembourg), I have seen the heavy sacrifices that have been imposed on staff and more particularly the drastic reduction of posts, in particular AST, a significant increase in precarious posts of agents contractual and the last category created in 2014, namely the AST-SC, etc.

Staff representative for a few years already within USF Luxembourg then having occupied the position of Vice-President within the CLP during the mandate which has just ended, I was able to see the extent of the problems that the colleagues assigned to the Luxembourg site suffer: difficult career prospects, implementation of the “Working Time and Teleworking” decision, medical overpricing, housing and so on. These elements of daily and professional life pose enormous problems for colleagues.

USF Luxembourg takes care of everyone, regardless of the contract or the rank of the people they work with. This organization is made up of colleagues who put their expertise at the service of the people they meet and who defend the attractiveness of the Luxembourg site so that everyone can live there in the best possible conditions.

No more hesitation, vote for list 1 – Together Luxembourg!

CALAMBE Catherine (Supp.)


Having joined the Commission in 2007, I have since held various positions within OIL and had many contacts with colleagues from other DGs and other institutions. Pragmatic, I am committed to dialogue, to better understand the needs of my colleagues and find appropriate and balanced solutions.
As a cross-border worker, I know the daily life and the constraints of colleagues who cross borders every day.
In general, the difficulties expressed by many of our colleagues assigned to the Luxembourg site, in particular to find accommodation but also to live properly, must be really heard. More than ever, the specificities of the Luxembourg site deserve to be taken into account more, for a better attractiveness. And that is precisely why USF-L has been fighting for many years, without bigotry, with respect for others and with courage.
No more hesitation, vote for list n°1…