Last Updated on 31/08/2017

Some questions that remain

  • The price levels in Luxembourg (mainly cost of rent) severely hampers recruitment, especially in the lower grades.
    The Statute provides for a number of mitigating solutions. USF Luxembourg will work on the matter and come up with proposals to this effect.
  • Careers: the general impression is that the “transardennaise” Directorates General established in Luxembourg do not benefit from a treatment equal to that enjoyed by the colleagues based in the headquarters. It is a fair and easy task to conceive and put into practice, within the promotion committees for instance, monitoring tools that would guarantee non-discriminatory treatment. USF Luxembourg will make sure that such policy becomes reality.
  •  Forced Mobility: LSC must defend at the highest level all colleagues subjected to forced mobility. This currently affects heads of units and staff working in human resources units.

The Commission seems to “forget” that Luxembourg (as well as Ispra, Petten, Karlsruhe …) is not Brussels. Imposing forced mobility on heads of units without at the same time establishing monitoring mechanisms that would guarantee that new posts are also proposed to these colleagues is suicidal for both the institution and its staff, unless one considers that the staff is only a cost and not a resource.
The same is true as concerns our colleagues working in human resources – landing within AMC (Assessment Management Centers), “encouraged” to a mobility the mechanisms of which have never been explained. Further redeployments are planned (IT, contract management). USF Luxembourg, and more broadly USF will continue to monitor these files while always reminding the institution that staff is its primary asset!