
Last Updated on 18/03/2024

Together, let’s continue to act!

The world of work has changed a lot in recent years and there is no stabilisation on the horizon. Indeed, the world remains unstable and the future uncertain. This change in the world of work has come with its new rules and habits which will eventually also have to be adjusted. Moreover, many of the pre-existing challenges to this change persist: the attractiveness of the Luxembourg site, the medical costs and its related difficulties but especially in the background, the permanent will of Member States to reduce costs and to do so typically by reforming the Staff Regulations.


In the face of these concerns, the unions remain the intermediary bodies that follow all aspects related to your work. There is no need to reinvent the wheel or fall into the trap of participatory democracy. Our Institution is not in co-management. Trade unions and elected staff representation (the Staff Committee) are the bodies whose formal role is to keep an eye out, ask for, find and ensure solutions are put in place to these concerns you experience.

Many things are properly implemented by our employer one must recognize. However at least as much aren’t because of lack of solution or action or, are poorly implemented. Union Syndicale Fédérale Luxembourg is on deck, as the competence and ‘does the job’. It helps you individually, supports you, accompanies you. USFL of course fights these battles, your battles, beyond that individual help that characterizes its action.

USFL is a member of a Federation, USF. USF is present in more than 20 institutions and agencies. It is the only federation that has this size and presence and is able to fight these battles. The member organisations of USF send a clear and resolute political signal to all those outside and within the European Public Service systematically questioning the fundamentals of the European Public Service (permanence, competence and independence) which thereby hinder the pursuit of European integration. It is more than ever time to recall that public services are not a cost – to be eliminated – but an investment in our society, our way of life, which ensures long-term peace and prosperity. Unfortunately, it must also be reminded more and more often to some of our managers.

We always come back to you, Officials, Temporary Agents, Contract Agents, who contribute day by day to this European integration, to this fundamental project. Beyond the tasks to which you contribute through your work, you are the only true wealth of the employer. Union Syndicale Fédérale Luxembourg, with its competence and experience, is here to listen to you, advise you and aims to continue to help you individually and fight your battles.

Staff is an investment, not a cost. Without motivated, competent and independent staff, the European dream can’t materialize.


Our permanent working areas

The work programme of USF Luxembourg is structured around four key areas:


Become a member of the Union Syndicale Fédérale Luxembourg and enjoy many advantages :


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