Last Updated on 18/04/2020

Harassment and justice procedures

Harassment is old as like the world. However, it is a rather new concept in our statut: as it was introduced in 2004. Its definition is very peculiar. It indeed refers to both a voluntary and repetitive action.

In practice, it is very difficult to demonstrate harassment psychological or sexual harassment. It should be based on material evidence (e.g. writing). In general, as a victim they are particularly difficult to collect for a variety of reasons.

There are a few case law, but it is mainly the “stories” and the collected “practice” that feed our knowledge about how to better manage such situations.

Our federal structure USF is committed to fight it and as covered in the following documentation : AGORA, Staff Matters as well as a full harassment file .

In Luxembourg, we have already touched the subject:

  • At a conference with Me Louis;
  • By means of a communication by which the USF Luxembourg presented the new draft text against harassment and the file drawn up by the harassment working group set up by the USF.

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