Last Updated on 02/09/2022

More and more colleagues are seeking information regarding their retirement; and this at a more and more early age. The reasons are multiple:

  • The successive reforms of the Staff Regulations (2004 and 2014) give colleagues a general sense of complexity,
  • More and more colleagues join the institutions at an older age and have therefore accumulated entitlements/rights elsewhere,
  • colleagues employed from 2004 onwards are generally employed at lower salaries regardless of whether they are officials, temporary staff members or contract staff and are therefore aware that they accumulate ‘lower’ pension rights,
  • Finally, it is also necessary to consider the increase in retirement age combined with a level of motivation at work that does not improve to the contrary.

Article 77 and Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations set out the conditions for retirement. The key elements are:

  • At least 10 years of service,
  • A maximum amount set at 70 % of the last base salary (without other fees) with an accumulation rate of 1.80 % per year of service,
  • Pension entitlement of 66 years,
  • Minimum pension.

For more information on transfers of rights to the Community system/regime:

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